@anthonybourdain Instagram 11 December 2016 “@Giancarlo_shark Nearly every day. there’s jiu Jitsu almost everywhere, Even here in Oman.”
So, I just went and opened your Instagram.
Looked back on old post dated late 2016 when you visited Oman. I want to go there too.
It made me smile looking at that post of your empty page on your screen with the caption
“The pages are still blank, but there is a miraculous feeling of the words being there, written in invisible ink and clamoring to become visible.” – Nabokov

@anthonybourdain Instagram 10 March 2018 “The pages are still blank, but there is a miraculous feeling of the words being there, written in invisible ink and clamoring to become visible.” – Nabokov “
Funny feeling eh?
Nothing I could write about you, Anthony Bourdain, Tony, would be new to the infinite words that has been written since June 8th.
To say “I miss you” is an understatement.
(this sentence keeps repeating in my head ever since….not even on a break up! – I’m laughing!)
Reading you all over again.
Watching you all over agin.
Listening to your audibles and that’s a new one.
No Instastories and that’s a bummer. Loved it. Plain. Musical quality to its best. Your wake ups all over the world. Nope I won’t go into it.
I decided that I want to celebrate you.
a) Because today is your birthday.
b) Because you are simply worth celebration.

@anthonybourdain Instagram 18 february 2017 “Dangerous Women of Porto DeezNuts (guard them)”
My heart is so tight. I’m tearing now.
The Stones is playing – Gimme shelter.

@anthonybourdain Instagram 7 March 2017 “The Revenge of The Ripper: in which mountain raised Alpinist, Eric Ripert exacts Terrible Payback for his sufferings in Sichuan Province. #Chamonix “
I have one, just one selfish regret I must admit. Not have asked you to be part of my “Kitchen Stories” collection here. Why did I never send you that email…I’m pretty sure you would have answered. I was “saving” to do it in person in NYC when your “Bourdain Market” project opened in 2019.

@anthonybourdain Instagram 20 January 2017 “THANK you @United employee Divina Reyes #052843 for your heroic assiatnce in gettine me out of Newark and onwards to Antartica . Your broken field running was amazing. Never could have done it without you!”
To me you always been Bourdain and forever will be.

@anthonybourdain Instagram 27 January 2017 “Alpha Bravo”
Tonight – Iggy Pop
Love in vain – Stones

@anthonybourdain Instagram 16 May 2017 “My kitchen thanks you @brad__phillips