Michi & Fabri

Michela & Fabrizio

“He’s a very useful hand in the kitchen but his main aim is to pinch the saucepans away to transforme them into lamps.”

lamp saucepan

What is the importance of your kitchen in your house?
It has a “leading role” importance.

the kitchen Michi & Fabri

What’s the best part of the day for you to cook?
Early evening.

cooking Michi & Fabri

Are you a creative “chef” or simply love to follow recipes?
Michela: I tend to creat and when trying following a recipe, I get it ¾ right and the rest I just add my final touch!

celebratios Michi & Fabri

Three ingredients that are never missing in your kitchen cabinet?
Leek, parmigiano cheese and freshly grounded black pepper.

How did your passion for cooking come about?
Michela: Inherited from my family just like many of my passions.

kitchen stories Michi & Fabri

What’s your favourite dish to cook that you know it can never go wrong with it?
Michela: Lentil curry and risotto.
Fabrizio: rich sauces for pasta.

rich sauces for pasta Michi & Fabri

Would you receive an entire tv crew in your kitchen for a day?
Michela: I would say so…

fire place Michi & Fabri

Do you follow any tv shows or have a favourite cooking book?
Michela: Books. Specially those from my favourite aunt and her sister: “La casa golosa” and “Fare festa” by Michela and Paola Brengola.

working in hte kitchen Michi & Fabri

Michela Volante – is a Turin “born & bred” gal that lives and cook at the same house she was born! A writer, translator, school books author, she is very much in love with the word “writing” since she first learnt how to hold a pen in her hands. Domani andrò sposa e Uno a testa published by Ed. Frassinelli are her own novels.

Fabrizio Farina
– a graphic designer of an eccleitc kind, achieved his position in the editorial world passing through the world of atomic energy. He’s also a radio speaker with his own show ‘Ettore’ on Radio2 and mad about sci-fi culture. Viaggi nel tempo (2016) is his most recent work with Einaudi Publishing house working on this priceless anthology. He’s a very useful hand in the kitchen but his main aim is to pinch the saucepans away to transforme them into lamps.
They share their house with their wonderful cats.

Filed under Kitchen Stories

I'm a foodie at heart. I never say no to good company over a meal. I love travelling. USA will always be my first choice of destination. Bourdain addicted. Food & Travel Consultancy / Communication, Marketing & Public Relations. Food writer for hobby.